Pitch Deck Design

A great pitch is not one where the founder answers every question with ease. A great pitch is when the investor understands the business so well that they can answer the questions themselves.

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Pitch Deck is a crucial element in any startup’s journey. It is a powerful tool that helps to tell a startup’s story and vision to potential investors. A well-crafted Pitch Deck can make all the difference between a successful funding round and a failed one. At FyerX, we understand the importance of Pitch Deck and provide top-notch Pitch Deck services to our clients.


Did you know that a good UI UX design can significantly impact a business's bottom line?

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According to Forbes, investors spend an average of 3 minutes and 44 seconds looking at a pitch deck before making a decision. That means a good pitch deck should be concise and engaging.

Did you know that a good UI UX design can significantly impact a business's bottom line?

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A well-designed Pitch Deck can increase a startup's chances of securing funding by 30%.

Did you know that a good UI UX design can significantly impact a business's bottom line?

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A study by DocSend found that pitch decks with 20 slides or less are more likely to be successful in securing funding than longer presentations. This emphasizes the importance of being clear and focused in your pitch deck.

what makes us different

Why is good Pitch Deck important?

Sets the tone for
your presentation

Helps you stand out
from competitors

Pitch Deck Design Agency

Enhances credibility
and professionalism

Tells a compelling

Increases your chances
of success

The Pitch Deck Design Process By FyerX

Step 1

Understanding the Client's Business

Design Thinking Step 2

Identifying the Target Audience and Goals

Step 3

Crafting the Storyline and Message

Step 4

Designing the Visuals and Layout

Step 5

Adding Engaging Content and Interactivity

Step 6

Iterating and Refining the Deck

Step 7

Delivering the Final Product

Frequently Asked Questions

A pitch deck is a presentation that introduces and summarizes your business idea, product, or service to potential investors, clients, or partners. A well-designed pitch deck can help you convey your message effectively and persuasively, increasing your chances of getting the desired response from your audience.

FyerX has a team of experienced designers who can work with you to create a professional, visually appealing, and effective pitch deck. We can help you refine your message, structure your content, and design your slides to ensure that your pitch deck stands out and delivers results.

The process starts with a consultation to understand your business, your goals, and your audience. We then work with you to create a storyboard and a content outline, which we use to design the slides and the visual elements of your pitch deck. We provide drafts for your review and feedback, and we revise the design until you are satisfied with the final product.

The timeline depends on the complexity of your pitch deck and the scope of the project. Typically, we can deliver the first draft of your pitch deck within 7-10 business days from the start of the project.

Yes, we can work with you to refine your message and structure your content in a clear and compelling way. However, we recommend that you provide us with a draft of your content or a clear outline of your pitch before we start the design process.

The cost of pitch deck design services from FyerX depends on the complexity of your project, the number of slides, and the scope of the work. We offer customized quotes based on your specific needs and budget. Contact us for a free consultation and a customized quote.

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