Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore

The Coffee House

  • May 26, 2023

The COFFEE HOUSE A World of Aromas Website Design ABOUT THE PROJECT The Coffee House, owned by Café Delight, aims to create an online presence and enhance customer engagement through a dedicated coffee shop website. The website will serve as a virtual hub for coffee enthusiasts, providing information about their exquisite coffee blends, specialty beverages, and a welcoming ambiance. The …

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Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore


  • May 2, 2023

CINEPEBBLE – MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT Website & UI Design ABOUT THE PROJECT Providing a platform for you to Connect, Collaborate, and CrowdFund. Cinepebble is the first social network designed exclusively for movie enthusiasts! Our features make it easy to connect with film aficionados, find collaborators, and raise funds. CHALLENGES CinePebble, a crowdfunding media entertainment company, may face challenges such as competing …

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